Jul 25, 2020

Jun 28, 2020

Jun 25, 2020
As this site is designed by me with my content, it is as well you know a little about my personality so you may better understand the structure of thoughts that created these pages.
There are those who know me well who call me a little eccentric. I take no offence to this as the definition of an eccentric is 'one who does not behave like others'. However, I feel the word that better describes me is 'Eclectic'. An Eclectic person 'applies methods, beliefs and ideas that combine whatever seem the best or most useful' from as many different areas or systems, rather than rigidly following a single system. Profound articles and inspiring photographic images are an equal influence in my creative thought processes, so you will find plenty of examples of both here.
Thirty years of research into the field of human achievement and potential involved my devouring hundreds of personal development publications, articles, DVD’s and CD’s, I found many of them contained a great deal of useful information. However, for every useful nugget, there were many more unrealistic promises of eternal happiness and fulfillment.
The biggest challenge in the ever growing industry of personal development and growth was sorting the wheat from the chaff. There is a lot of page stuffing "overkill" and hype generated about the subject, but approached with balance and discernment there are - in my direct personal experience - some very good, practical resources that really can make a positive difference to our lives, by helping us deal with a particular issue or aspect of our personal spiritual development and growth.
My aim? To consolidate all the practical and valuable elements presenting them in a simple format, so the reader may prioritize the order each element is digested. I wanted to bring all I had learned together in one piece of work, saving readers the time of having to repeat the exercise. Whilst many of the ideas and concepts are not my creation, original or new, they are presented in my words and format, which is my style. Wherever it is possible, I will make reference to the originator of an idea or concept as I believe this is only fair.
My Promise To You
My promise to you is to 'keep it real' about what you can expect my work can do for you.
I am often told that my story is extraordinary. It is however, a not uncommon story of adversity and happiness. My greatest hope is that my experiences will serve to help others.
Having formed and led successful companies in the years after my police service, my utmost sense of fulfillment is derived from mentoring and helping individuals and businesses to exceed their expectations.
Continuous improvement will be the mindset that grows this site, with interactive features and welcome creative input from subscribers. I am only the message carrier, the site, how you use it and how it develops is up to you.
You are the architect of your own destiny, the driver on your own journey. The work across these pages is one source of fuel and navigation. I hope it will help you find your own truths to set you free free to claim the quality of life you wish for yourself.
Stay happy & creative
Images to lift the spirit
Words To Inspire
Taking photographs “ignite a joy” in my life. If something makes me smile or stand in appreciative awe, I have to make a photo of it.
What the world needs now is love, creativity, hope and a return to more selfless community based ways of thinking.
The publications and blog articles on these pages focus on priorities for a happier and productive way of thinking and acting.
More Happiness Can Be Yours