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Well, subject to a few exemptions, in England from yesterday we must wear a face covering by law on public transport, in airports, rail, tram, coach and maritime terminals, shops, supermarkets, banks, building societies, and post offices.

This got me thinking about the masks we've always worn, the different masks that people wear in the course of a day act as a social disguise and help them to get through a variety of situations.

The reasons behind the different masks that people wear vary considerably, but they can be both positive and negative. Some reasons include:

  • To gain social acceptance…to be liked

  • To hide excitement

  • To hide happiness

  • To hide vulnerability

  • To hide inexperience

  • To hide the truth

  • To hide fear

  • To hide anger

  • To hide sadness

  • To hide depression

  • To hide pain

  • To deceive

  • To manipulate

We all wear masks at some time in our lives—it’s part of human nature. The problem comes when masks become the norm and we lose ourselves in the process of trying to please others. It is important to have self-awareness about the different masks we wear and the reasons behind it - recognizing the masks we wear is one way to make sure that they do not gain control of our true “self.”

This topic fascinated me so much, I included it as part of my publication about Happiness in a section called 'The Real You' which focused on how we all strive for authenticity in our lives.

The masks we all wear socially and in the business environment are a fascinating insight into human nature and how, on occasions, we all seek to project an image somewhat different to the Real Person underneath the mask.

To read an extraction from my article click here

I hope you find it interesting. Stay safe!

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